Wednesday 6 July 2011

The olympics 2008

The 2008 Olympic were held in china. it was a big event were all around the wold contestence come and compet against outher countrys there stadiam was huge as you can see.

the events were really inportant to the contestence they had a certain 1 to do here is a list of them.  2008 Beijing Summer Games Events include archery, badminton, baseball, basketball, beach volleyball, boxing, cycling, diving, equestrian, fencing, field hockey, gymnastics, judo, mountain biking, rowing, sailing, shooting, soccer, softball, swimming, synchronized swimming, table tennis, tennis, track and field, volleyball, water polo, weightlifting and wrestling. Besides, there are a number of track and field events.

In addition to the mainstream Olympic Events, Paralympic Games and Special Olympics World Games were also instituted later as exclusive international sporting competitions for the disabled. Paralympic Games are specially organized for athletes with physical, mental and sensorial disabilities whereas Special Olympics Events are exclusively meant for sports persons with severe intellectual disabilities. The first International Special Olympics Summer Games were held in 1968 at Chicago, Illinois, USA. The Special Olympics events include Aquatics, Athletics (track and field), badminton, basketball, bocce, bowling and cycling amongst a host of others.

The Winter Olympic Events are biathlon (cross-country skiing and target shooting) bobsled, cross-country skiing, curling, downhill skiing, figure skating, ice hockey, luge, snowboarding and speed skating.
Snowboarding was introduced for the first time at the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano, Japan.
The current Summer Games program includes 35 sports and nearly 400 events. The Summer Olympics includes 28 sports with 38 disciplines and the Winter Olympics includes 7 sports with 15 disciplines.

1. The total cost of Beijing Olympics is around 43 billion USD. The cost of building venues amount to around 1.8 billion USD

2. This was the last time that baseball and softball were played as Olympic sports. The two have been scrapped from the program of the 2012 London Olympics.

3. China: 19.8% of population, 10.4% of medals.


Thursday 16 June 2011

where is china?

china is a big country in the easting Asia.
china is surrounded by 2 type of sea east china sea and south sea  .
 is surrounded by other country's they have on the south west of china like India, Nepal and more.
They had the Olympics there in 2008 which took place place in the the capital wich is beijing. beijing is a populare place to visit in china. on the north east is the north and south korea.

                                                                                             map of china
There is another city called shanghai
its the most populare in all of china and locasted in the east of china and full of historic atractions
like the bud,city gad temple and the yuyuan garden.

Tuesday 7 June 2011


welcome to china chinese life is different to britan the eat diffent things they do different things .

history of china
chinese  civilization originated in various regional centers along both the Yellow River and the Yangtze River valleys in the Neolithic era, but the Yellow River is said to be the Cradle of Chinese Civilization. The written history of China can be found as early as the Shang Dynasty (c. 1700 – 1046 BC).,although ancient historical texts such as the Records of the Grand Historian (ca. 100 BC) and Bamboo Annals assert the existence of an Xia Dynasty before the Shang. Oracle bones with ancient Chinese writing from the Shang Dynasty have been radiocarbon dated to as early as 1500 BC. The origins of present-day Chinese culture, literature and philosophy developed during the Zhou Dynasty (1045-256 BC).

In China, a vast land spanning many degrees of latitude with complicated terrain, climate varies radically. China has a variety of temperature and rainfall zones, including continental monsoon areas. In winter most areas become cold and dry, in summer hot and rainy.

Five Temperature ZonesTemperatures vary a great deal. Influenced by latitude and monsoon activities, in winter, an isotherm of zero degrees traverses the Huaihe River-Qinling Mountain-southeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Areas north of the isotherm have temperatures below zero degrees and south of it, above zero. Mohe in Heilongjiang can hit an average of 30 degrees centigrade below zero, while the temperature of Sanya in Hainan Province is above 20 degrees. In summer, most of areas are above 20 degrees centigrade despite the high Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and other mountains such as Tianshan. Among these hot places, Turpan Basin in Xinjiang is the center for intense heat at 32 centigrade on average.

they eat differnt animals like shark fin soup, turtel soup and many more they kill animals for different thing only for a little part of there body and throw them back in the sea the parts they dont need any more. the rich eat whails because its a posh thing to eat and more expencive to pay for it.

this is a map of china

Friday 27 May 2011

georgraphy last lesson of the day of  t:he week :) :) 

Monday 23 May 2011